Welcome to our family of more than 250 customers in Whetstone

The service is always carried out by experts in the Whetstone field. Everyone in the cleaning team has very high standards on the workplace and they always make sure that the client is satisfied.
Every new client is provided with a introductory presentation so that they are certain weather or not they want to hire us. We explain how everything proceeds from hiring to the completion of the house cleaning service and we do not leave any details behind.

The client can also ask questions, especially if there is something that is a miss to them. Any questions surrounding the Whetstone area will be answered. We encourage it. It is our priority to insure that a client is properly informed and knows what they are paying for.
After the introduction, the client can book their appointment for the house cleaning service. And from that point on, the cleaning team takes over.
Their first priority is to get to the client’s home on time. They also expect there to be someone who will welcome them. Otherwise, they’ll have to leave. The client has control over the service. If they need to, they can reschedule the appointment.
Upon their arrival, they quickly set up and get to work right away. There has to be no time wasted for both the client and the team.
The company has provided the cleaning team with professional equipment and cleaning products, carefully selected from the Whetstone market to be as effective as they are Green. The client does not pay for any of the consumables that the team uses.
The cleaning proceeds with every room individually being thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom without there being anything left unchecked, not even the most obscure areas.
Everything gets perfectly cleaned. Just like that, the team goes from room to room until the entire home is perfectly cleaned.

“Your assistance is irreplaceable. I used to clean the house myself, but after the renovation I’m not as enthusiastic when it comes to house cleaning. Thanks to you, my home looks perfect. I love it that I can have a sparkling clean home without the tackle – William”